Corporate finance

Every business will require corporate finance advice throughout its lifecycle; whether to grow the business by acquisition, to raise new funds for growth or to fund the exit of a major shareholder.

It could be that expansion is at the forefront of your business strategy, and you need to raise equity or debt finance to facilitate this growth. You could be contemplating an MBO or MBI or you might have decided that it is time to sell your business and are seeking the right buyer. Perhaps you are looking to float your company and need advice on UK and international markets. You may also need support services such as valuations, due diligence and forensic investigations.

We are experienced in working with all types of client from private, owner managed companies and fellow professionals to quoted companies and institutions.

We are client focused and will introduce one of our experts to lead each assignment. You will undoubtedly require assistance from third parties, whether from banks, venture capital, stockbrokers or lawyers. Where required, we can introduce you to experts in these fields via our extensive national contact base. We will be on familiar territory, even if you are not and will provide the additional resources required by clients.

As your corporate finance advisors we will:

  • seek out prospective hurdles to be overcome in advance
  • make you aware of any pitfalls in advance
  • manage the timetable effectively
  • work with your other advisors to take the pressure off you
  • never let you forget you have a business to run, during and after the transaction
  • provide project planning support to help you avoid any unnecessary expense.


Don’t just take our word for it

Gerry Moxham, founder and ex shareholder of Click Dealer Limited, shares his business journey, from establishing the family business to its eventual sale to Evolution Funding.

The next step

If you feel you would benefit from corporate finance advice and would like to discuss the services we can provide for your business, please contact one of our corporate finance specialists at your nearest location, or if you prefer, complete the contact form.

Let's talk! Send an enquiry to your local UHY expert.
