If you are looking to float on a stock exchange our Capital Markets specialists can advise you on the most appropriate markets to consider, such as AIM, NEX, the LSE Main Market or other international markets, and will provide continued advice throughout the listing process.
Our experts have a wealth of experience advising both UK based and international companies and provide an integrated and tailored approach, with a full range of services, including:
- advice on the market most suited to your needs
- assistance in preparing financial model and business plan
- business valuations
- introductions to other advisers
- tax planning and international tax advice
- ongoing support with regulatory commitments and reporting duties
- secondary fund raisings
- moving markets.
We are currently auditors to more than 30 publicly listed companies.
The next step
For further information or if you require advice about listing your company on a stock exchange market, please contact your local corporate finance specialist from the list below or, if you prefer, complete our contact form and the most relevant partner will be in touch.