We offer an independent business review that provides a sound base from which business owners, lenders or investors can finalise a lending or investment decision.

All business environments change and as we know this can create as many opportunities as it does threats. With ever more rapid change, lenders, investors and venture capitalists often require an independent business review to be carried out by accountants before finalising a lending or investment decision.

How could an independent business review help?

Whether the business owner is seeking additional funding, or lenders/ investors require reassurance as to the viability and credit-worthiness of the business, an independent business review will provide a sound base from which management, lenders and investors can move forward.

We understand this, and we are committed to producing forward-thinking, strategic business reviews based on the commercial realities facing your business. We recognise what is important to management, lenders and investors and our priority is to develop creative commercial solutions that will benefit all classes of stakeholder.

What does an independent business review cover?

Every assignment is different and terms of reference are adapted to suit the particular circumstances and needs of the individual business. We ensure that the review focuses on key issues and options. Typically, these may include:

  • current trading and financial position
  • profit and cashflow forecasts
  • business and financial strategies
  • sensitivity analysis
  • management and systems
  • security cover

Where necessary, we will help managers to produce fully integrated trading and cashflow projections using the latest spreadsheet techniques.

Depending on the size and complexity of the business and the scope of the review, the report could either be a simple document of a few pages or quite a lengthy report. The independent business review will always set out our conclusions, analyse the options available and develop a practical action plan with recommendations for the way forward.

Our approach

One of our experienced partners will lead your review and will be involved at each stage to ensure that the independent business review is effectively focused and responds to your needs and expectations. They will keep you fully informed as to progress and will ensure:

  • a constructive business-oriented approach
  • minimum disruption to the running of your business
  • absolute confidentiality concerning your affairs

The benefits for your business

An independent business review will give a clear and balanced view on where the business is, identify the key issues and provide clear recommendations on the best way forward. Some recommendations may be controversial, but they will always be realistic.

Types of assignment undertaken

  • pre-lending/ investment reviews – reassuring management, lenders and investors
  • liquidity and viability – providing an objective view at times of exposure and risk
  • monitoring – regular endorsement that the business is performing to an agreed plan
  • turnarounds and reconstructions – helping management to overcome financial distress
  • corporate finance – raising additional working capital or reconstructing existing debt.

The next step

If you would like to discuss an independent business review in more detail, please contact one of our specialists at your nearest location, or complete our contact form.

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