Our VAT practice has 25 years experience in advising clients in the property sector.

We help remove the burden of complex legislation and trying to avoid numerous VAT traps, leaving you to do what you are good at – running your business or managing your investment. We will strive to meet your needs, whilst at the same time, advising on the most tax-efficient approach and suggesting alternatives where appropriate.

VAT advice for property clients

One unfortunate consequence of a range of different taxes each governed by their own legislation evolved over years of political expediency, is that the ideal structure for one tax can often be a complete disaster for another.  It is essential that the VAT implications of your arrangements are considered up front along with all the other taxes affecting you.  Our accountants and specialist advisers will work together to provide you with a full and complete analysis of your proposed arrangements and recommend alternative structures where unpleasant tax or VAT consequences would be triggered.

We will review your draft contracts and liaise with your solicitors to recommend appropriate wording to both meet VAT requirements and insert the necessary indemnity and warranty clauses to protect you in the event of a challenge form HMRC.  For building projects, we will work with your architects and builders to ensure that the VAT treatment is clearly understood and the project properly qualifies for any zero or reduced rates of VAT that you may be entitled to.  Where the VAT treatment may be less clear, perhaps the key points have had contradictory decisions from the Courts or HMRC have issued adverse guidance that affects your project, we will advise you on the implications and how best to structure the arrangements to give the greatest chance of success.

Unfortunately, in the throes of negotiations and contracts, the need for important, vital advice can often be overlooked. Should you be under attack from HMRC, we can help. Our experienced team of VAT advisers can examine the merits of your arrangement and HMRC’s views, offering practical, comprehensive advice on the VAT implications.

Wherever possible, we try to avoid going to Appeal. We believe our high success levels are down to our belief that communication is fundamental; often by approaching HMRC in the right way the desired result can be achieved without the need for court action.

Of course, sometimes unfortunately, going to Appeal is the only course of action left. We will advise openly on your chances of success at Appeal and, if you decide to proceed, prosecute the Appeal on your behalf, instructing Counsel where necessary.  We will always keep an eye on your costs and help you to judge if the merits of the appeal are outweighed by the likely costs or justify going further.

VAT and property FAQ

The VAT treatment of land and property transactions has evolved into one of the most complex areas of the tax and one which tends to draw the most questions from our clients. Here are the most frequently asked questions our clients ask us about VAT in respect of property.

VAT and property jargon buster

In order to help you understand the complex language of VAT in respect of any property transaction, our VAT property specialists have devised a jargon buster providing some straightforward definitions.

The next step

If you would like to discuss the VAT services that we can provide for your property business or investment, please contact one of our VAT specialists at your nearest location, or complete the contact form.

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