Nigel joined UHY Hacker Young in 1995 having previously worked in tax with a top four firm. He is a corporate and personal tax specialist and heads our tax team, being responsible for the control of tax compliance and planning for a wide range of clients in our Newport Office. Nigel is also a member of the ACCA.
Nigel undertakes much of the planning work for business tax claims in areas such as maximisation of capital allowance, research and development, land remediation relief, and incorporations and is heavily involved in VAT planning and the taxation issues of business sales and changes in business structures.
Nigel has built up particular expertise in taxation in the construction industry, legal services, pharmacies, hotels and manufacturing.
Having worked closely with our Senior Partner, Steve Theaker, for 20 years Nigel is often seen at events with Steve in various guises; including as a human flip chart, a music stand and a backup ‘singer’ to some of Steve’s singing accountant exploits!