This is a reminder to all trusts that the deadline to submit the accounts return to the ESFA is Tuesday 30 January 2024.

The academies accounts return is mainly derived from the information in the Trust's audited accounts for the year ended 31 August 2023. However, there are also a number of additional information requests:

  • Staff full-time equivalents analysed by permanent and temporary staff
  • Gender analysis of permanent employees
  • Days lost to staff sickness
  • Land and buildings split by individual academy
  • Benchmarking detail of revenue income and expenditure
  • Counterparty data for intra-academy transactions

If you have not already completed the external auditor detail table, please do as soon as possible as this will give the auditor access to the form. The return can only be submitted by the trust’s external auditor.

The next step

If you need any help or guidance in completing this year's 2022/2023 Accounts Return, please contact Jack Wilkinson on or your local UHY adviser.

Let's talk! Send an enquiry to your local UHY expert.