
Upcoming deadlines for academy school trusts

A reminder about some of the forthcoming deadlines to ensure these are not overlooked:

  • 2021 3Y Budget Forecast Return - the deadline for submission will be 27 July 2021 and trusts need to remember the BFR must be approved by trustees prior to submission.
  • Gender Pay Gap Reporting. The statutory deadline for Gender Pay Gap Reporting has been extended (this was due to be published by 30 March) in response to the on-going pandemic, and all employers now have until 5 October 2021 to report their gender pay gap information. This is relevant to all academy trusts with 250 or more employees.
  • 2019/20 financial statements. These need to be submitted to Companies House, if they have not already been filed, by 31 May 2021.

And hopefully these two recent deadlines that apply to large trusts (under the Companies Act size criteria definition – see * below) have not been forgotten:

  • Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting information had to be disclosed on websites by 31 March 2021. 
  • Payment Practices information in respect of the period 1 September 2020 to 28 February 2021 was due by 30 March 2021. These disclosures, first introduced in 2018, continue to be required for each six-month period. The information to be disclosed is set out on page 14 of the detailed Government guidance. The next deadline will be 30 September 2021.
* Large companies are defined under the Companies Act as being those that meet two or more of the following criteria on both of their last two balance sheet dates:
  • £36m annual turnover (for academies this would be revenue income total)
  • £18m balance sheet total (“gross assets” on your balance sheet)
  • Over 250 employees (headcount)

The next step

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