
End of Year Certificate for the Teachers’ Pension Scheme - a quick update

8 June 2017

Hopefully you should have all submitted your End of Year Certificates (EOYC) to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS), but if you have not then you have until tomorrow to upload it via the Employer Portal as the TPS has extended the submission deadline for the unaudited EOYC to Friday 9 June.

The deadline was extended due to issues with the portal – a number of my clients gave up and sent the submission either via email or good old fashioned post!  Both of these options were accepted by the TPS so if you are still having difficulty uploading you could give these methods a try.

The deadline for submission of the audited certificates has remained unchanged and these should be submitted by your appointed auditor by 30 September 2017.  If you need assistance with the audit of your EOYC please contact your local UHY academy expert.


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