UHY Global draws on current analysis and commentary, including input from UHY’s member firm experts across the international network, to provide insight for today’s global business community. The result is a thought-provoking, upbeat and engaging read, exploring the issues and challenges of international business, themes that you may well be grappling with in today’s uncertain world. 

For example, we look at the surge in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) activity in 2021 and whether this has reached a peak this year. We also consider the rise in popularity of outsourcing, which is an attractive strategy for many businesses looking to focus down on core capabilities. The cover feature considers how far the Mercosur trade deal has benefited its South American member countries, and we also take a look at the European Union’s recovery funding programme. 

In UHY Global issue 14 you will find valuable information on the UHY network itself – from service and contact listings to client stories, and a profile of UHY International CEO Rhys Madoc. The online edition also gives you hyperlink access to source reports, additional graphics, narrative and direct contact details of UHY contributors – so if you want to find out more about any of our topics, UHY Global online makes it easy. If you prefer an offline read, the print version is downloadable as a PDF from the online menu bar.

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For further advice, or any queries, please contact Rhys Madoc here.

UHY Global Issue 14
6th Oct 2022
UHY Global Issue 14

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