Whilst it continues in most cases to be paid alongside GAG, this funding is no longer included on the GAG statement, and is now only shown on the separate 16 – 19 funding statement. Such 16 – 19 funding should therefore no longer be linked to the GAG fund, and should not be included within GAG in the statutory financial statements. From talking with clients, we believe it is an area in which there is quite a bit of confusion.
The DfE model Chart of Accounts now has a new account code 510700 for DfE revenue grants: 16 to 19 and this funding will be reported separately for the first time in 2022/23. Therefore any trusts using the DfE Chart of Accounts should ensure that all 16 to 19 funding is allocated to 510700. Trusts that have not yet adopted the model accounts should ensure that 16 to 19 funding is being posted to an Other DfE/ESFA revenue income account.
There is currently a discrepancy in the way the model Chart of Accounts flows into the Accounts Return. Account code 510700 is, at the moment, confusingly coded to a GAG field RGR 010, but we understand that the ESFA will be revising this and sending out an update when all mapping for the 2022/23 Accounts Return have been finalised, changing the mapping to the RGR 011 field.
Since, in most cases, 16 to 19 funding is likely to be material we would expect this funding to be disclosed separately in the main funding for educational operations note, alongside other large non-GAG income streams such as pupil premium.
The next step
If you have any questions in this area please contact your local UHY academy specialist.