Fraser: freshness, positivity and drive
Fraser is a chartered accountant and Corporate Finance Associate Director based in our Manchester office. He joined UHY in March 2023.
Before joining UHY, Fraser qualified at a top 10 firm in Manchester and gained experience at a Big 4 firm and other national top 10 practices. Fraser shares his take on what it has been like joining UHY.
When you joined UHY, what stood out to you the most?
Without a doubt, the people, including the freshness, positivity and the drive of everyone in the office. There is a driven and passionate leadership team and this filters down through everyone in the office.
What is it like being a part of the Corporate Finance team?
Having the opportunity to work with successful business people who have built their own companies and have trusted us to guide them through a life-changing process is a real privilege and is always exciting, challenging and interesting. We are very active in the North West CF market and always have great opportunities coming across our desk.