We have a wide variety of clients in the construction sector, ranging from subcontractors, trades people and small builders through to housing estate developers, commercial property developers and those who provide civil engineering structures.

There are a range of complex activities surrounding the sector, from health and safety legislation, planning regulations, employment law, tax and VAT issues, all of which conspire to make this a challenging, but interesting, sector.

Our team fully understand the accounting and audit complexities of the construction industry, particularly those surrounding work in progress, whilst our tax team help clients avoid expensive mistakes in employment taxes, VAT and corporate tax.

Additionally, we understand the importance of Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) compliance, ensuring that all CIS systems are well managed and that job profits are managed effectively.

Our services to the construction industry

We understand the construction sector and can provide services to assist with every stage of construction and development projects, including:

  • Tax planning
  • VAT planning
  • Audit services
  • Business advisory services
  • Risk management
  • Financial Planning including cash flow management
  • Employment status issues and other tax investigations areas

Let's talk! Send an enquiry to your local UHY expert.